Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vegas & roommates's been awhile since I last posted. As much as I love to write, I don't know why I don't post more often.

I just got back from Vegas last week. We had a great time. It was practically my first time there. The real first time was more like a drive-thru. I got to see tons of stuff this time. I went with my current roommate Jessica. We stayed in an awesome suite at the Venetian. It was really nice...although the hallways were so long, it freaked me out a little when there was no one else in them. They seriously looked like the hallways from The Shining. I kept waiting for those two creepy twin girls to pop out! Maybe I had been drinking too much. I'm not a big gambler but I did play about $12 worth. I won $103 with one pull of the handle on a twenty five cent Monopoly slot machine. But then I spent $30 of it trying to win more. Basically I came home with $60. But that's fine with me. At least I didn't come home in the hole.

Speaking of my roommate, she is moving out at the end of this month. She moved in back in January because she broke up with her boyfriend. Well...they got back together so she's moving back in with him. Now my other friend Cassandra is moving in with me and she's bringing her cute little weiner...weiner dog, that is. Penny the Dachshund will be joining my little Oscar. YAY! So he will have someone to play with now. I will miss Banana Bread Jess but Candied Carrot Cassandra will be fun as a roommate too. Don't ask me to explain the nicknames. Cass & Jess know what they mean! :)

Cheers for now!

1 comment:

  1. Vegas.....FUN!!! I need a vaca bad.... what, no pics?? Glad you had fun girly! XO!
