2 15oz cans of black beans
1/2 purple onion, finely diced
1 large garlic clove, finely diced
1 egg (I used Ener-G egg replacer cause eggs are grody)
1/2 cup bread crumbs
Cilantro to taste
Parsley to taste
Salt & Pepper to taste
Red pepper flakes to taste, optional
Place one can of beans, onion, garlic, the egg, cilantro, parsley and red pepper flakes in a food processor. Pulse into an ALMOST smooth puree. Transfer to a medium bowl and add in the remaining can of beans and the bread crumbs. Mix well incorporating bread crumbs throughout bread mixture.
Heat a grill or grill pan on medium heat with oil or cooking spray. Grill burgers about 5-6 minutes or until warmed through. MUNCH!
(If you're using a real egg, don't make the burgers too thick. You want to make sure that egg cooks all the way through...unless you're Rocky Balboa and like raw eggs.)
On another note, this past Saturday a friend and I went to the Atlanta Underground Market. I've been wanting to go for awhile now but since I've become an AUM VIP, I've been busy for the last two they had. The Atlanta Underground Market is an event where local chefs or bakers come out and allow people to sample their food. It was so much fun and I had tons of great food. In fact, I was Thanksgiving-dinner-full when I left. It was held at The Goat Farm in downtown. What? You didn't know there was a goat farm in downtown Atlanta? Yeah, me either.
So cute. It was quite a walk from the car to the actual location of the market. (They change it every time they have it.) On the walk, after we passed the goats we passed the Fresh Roots farm. They have roosters and pigs and dogs, oh my! They grow organic vegetables and even have a CSA program that they just started. I might have to look into that. I've been wanting to join one. Hmmm...ok, moving on!
I would like to post a picture of everything that I tried there but unfortunately my camera has been acting up lately and some of my pictures are coming out all screwy. Guess that means I'll have to buy a new one! Darn. ;) I did get a few pictures though.
This is Jer'vay's Catering (mouthwatering) Apple and Cheddar stuffed Zeppoles:
Joanne's Kitchen had homemade Ravioli stuffed with spinach and feta served with Tzatziki sauce. This isn't the prettiest picture ever but I think it was the best thing I ate that day. It was delicious!
On to the sweets! I had a Lemon Thyme mini cupcake with strawberry icing from Dr. Sweets Cake Emporium. All of their goodies are gluten free & nut free. It was delicious...I almost went back for seconds....ALMOST.
Last but not least, I tried cake balls for the first time...FINALLY. Cake Balls by Nikki. I bought three. I got Red Velvet, Key Lime Pie and Chocolate Peanut Butter. I think the Chocolate Peanut Butter was my favorite but the Key Lime Pie almost tied with it. Here's Nikki fanning herself. LOL. It was so dang hot in that place!
Night night peeps!