Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day One of Unemployment

So back in December...December 17th to be exact, I was laid off from my job along with 9 other people. That was round 1 of 3 layoffs my company will be doing over the next 6 months. I kept working, from home thankfully, and remained on payroll up until today. Yesterday I turned in my laptop and badge and now...well, here I am on the computer because I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.

I have been employed for the last 20 years which means I've had a routine for the last 20 years. Today I got up, checked my email, and just finished the daily online job hunt (which let's face it, is never REALLY "done"), and will be going to the gym shortly, but then what do I do? It's not like I can go shopping. I can't call up friends and hang out with them because they are all at work!

I cleaned out and organized closets and drawers all last week. I still have a few more of those I can do. My house can't really get much cleaner since I'm constantly cleaning out of boredom. SIGH...I just keep waiting for that brilliant idea to hit me. You know the one that people who are living out of their cars and begging for food get hit with that causes them to invent something or open some store and go from homeless to billionaire in nano seconds? Yeah, that one. I mean how hard is it to come up with an idea like the flipping Snuggie?

Ok I'm going to stop complaining and go brainstorm while I organize a closet or something. Maybe I'll post some before and after pics.

P.S. With all this cleaning and organizing, I've lost count of how many times last week I said, "OMG, I've been looking for this FOREVER!" :)


  1. hey! What did you do at your old job? Don't worry, we've all been in that transition period before. I do NOT find it fun and I know what you mean when you say the job search never feels "over" for the day... but I can also tell you from experience that if you set aside a reasonable amount of time each day (don't beat yourself up if you're not job-hunting 8 hours/day every day for goodness sake!) and take meaningful, effective steps during that time, you will have something soon. This is a great opportunity for you and you will probably end up being glad this happened! I'm rooting for ya!

  2. Hey Helen! I worked in Telecom for the last 12 years with the same company (won't name names). I was a project manager and to be honest I'm kind of glad this happened. I really didn't like my job and I'm hoping this will open some new doors for me to do something I really like. I'm staying positive. Thanks for rooting for me! :)

  3. Awww Tracy - I am sorry but, I read your comment above and I am happy you are looking at this transition as an opportunity! Time for a change and you can do it girl! I hope you got a kick-ass severance too! keep your chin up & follow your passion - you will be successful in whatever you do - love you girly!!

  4. Thanks Ash. I did get a pretty kick-ass severance. I'm just hoping I can get another job asap and be able to use it for something other than to live on for the next 6 or 7 months. If I do...I'm totally going on vacation!
