Friday, April 16, 2010


Well I finally have my voice back! Thank you lord. I was really starting to get frustrated. I've worked from home every day this week and honestly, I can't wait to go back to the office on Monday. I'm a little stir-crazy right now. Really the only person I've seen this whole week is my roommate and the employees at Whole Foods. (Actually I did get to see my B-I-L and nephew today.)

Anyway, I had an epiphany this week. As I've said before, I'm a vegetarian. I would be a strict vegan if it weren't so dang hard and expensive! So the more research I did on vegetarianism and veganism, the more I became sort of an animal rights activist. Now I don't mean I was breaking into labs and stealing mice or anything. The whole animal perspective was what made me become a vegetarian to begin with. But now, a lot of my research has steered me into a different path...kinda like a fork in my vegetarian research road. I'm starting to turn into more of a food activist instead of an animal rights activist. I've been reading all these books and watching these documentaries and even tv shows...Jamie Olivers Food Revolution is a great one. Stop eating processed food people!!! It's SO horrible for you! (I know I've blogged about this once before.) I'm just really irritated by our government when it comes to America's health. They know this food is horrible but they don't care! I just wish I could open all of my family and friends eyes to the problem with the SAD (Standard American Diet and yes it is sad!)

I've been harping on my family for years now to change their diets. My mom FINALLY listened after her best friend was enlightened and changed her ways of eating. Now I've finally got someone else on board.

So I don't want to preach anymore than I already have. But if any of my friends or family have any questions, thoughts, complaints (lol) or anything about all of this, I KNOW you guys know where to come!


  1. I sooooo feel you on this! The SAD is so crazy! So gross! I am of course guilty of eating processed foods too but I think I've been able to cut out about 75% ... one day I'll get to 100%! I love Jamie Oliver's new show ... I hope it starts a revolution!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  2. I totally thought I posted a comment but I guess it didn't go through... if it does later, sorry for posting twice! Just wanted to say, I like your blog and it's nice to hear someone agrees with me completely!! :-) I also wanted to tell you that I posted the sweet potato soup recipe for you, which you commented on. Stick to your guns with the no-processed food, it gets easier.
