Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Talking Is Underrated

Saturday I was outside for awhile, probably more than I should have been considering the pollen index was 5,836. FYI, anything over 120 is extremely high. What can I say? It was a moment of insanity. Over the last 7 0r 8 years, I've developed pretty bad allergies to pollen. Anyway, later Sat night, around 9pm I guess, I started getting very hoarse. Ya know at first I was thinking "Hey, I sound kinda seexxxy. Oh yay-ah". Then as the night progressed, I got a little more hoarse and I started thinking, "Wow, I'm really losing my voice! Hee hee!" Then Monday I woke up and started looking online for dry erase board necklaces. That's right. I have NO voice. It's completely gone and it REALLY SUCKS. There's nothing blissful about not being able to speak (which had me contemplating my blog name and whether I should change it).

I didn't realize how often you actually speak nor did I realize how much I LIKE to speak! I've been working from home so I can avoid using my voice at all. But I went to Whole Foods on my lunch break today and had to explain to a random employee, the cashier and my bagger that I had no voice and couldn't speak. By the time I got in my car and was on my way home, my throat was hurting. But I bought this tea made by Yogi. It's called Honey Lemon Throat Comfort. The person that referred it said it works wonders. It has slippery elm bark in it which is supposed to really help with throat irritation. It did soothe my throat quite a bit. I resisted the temptation to add a hundred packets of Stevia which really would've made it taste waaaay better. You're supposed to drink it twice a day. Blech.

I guess before I go to bed tonight I'll chug another mug down and then pray that it has miracle healing powers and I'll be able to talk in the morning.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. so bizarre - I've known 3 people that have had laryngitis the past few weeks....due to allergies! Crazy! Hope you feel better soon - i keep lol at the comment you made on my blog about laughing but really just looks like you are bobbing your head around on the couch due to no voice :-) too funny!!! xoxo
