Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This past weekend was sooo nice. I was out Friday night so when Saturday night rolled around I really didn't feel like doing anything but staying in. Me and my roommate are big wine drinkers....well not big but you know what I mean. Wine is both our drink of choice! But...we decided Saturday that we wanted something different. I had seen a recipe for Sangria earlier and it looked so delicious and refreshing. So we decided to venture out to the grocery store, get some dinner, stuff to make Sangria and a movie so we could stay home and just chill.

Doesn't that look yummy? It's called Sunny White Sangria. I got it from one of my favorite blogs that I look at daily. It's Click here for the recipe.

On another note, I think I've found a new hobby or passion or obsession...not sure which. I borrowed a bike from a friend and went riding with my sister and BIL not to long ago. After 15 seconds on that bike I was hooked. We've gone riding every weekend since then and now I'm looking into getting my own bike. I think I've found the one I want. My BIL is letting me have an extra bike rack that he has so I won't have to buy one of those. Here is the bike I'm thinking about getting:

Here was my conversation with the salesguy:

Me: Soooo, does this bike come in any other colors?

Salesguy: :-/

Me: Was that like a total girl thing to ask?

Salesguy: (laughing) Yes.

Apparently bikes only come in one color and that color denotes the year of the bike. Every year they change the color. Apparently white is the 2011 color for this bike! Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting my own bike so I can stop borrowing my friends and start customizin'! And I'll be able to ride during the week too since I'll have my own bike rack. I can only ride on the weekends now because that's why my sister and BIL ride and they have the bike and the bike rack. SO excited!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I would have asked the SAME what year does it come in pink?? Love it though and the Sangria looks delish! yummmm!
