Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So...I have a new obsession. It's not really a good one either. I mean I guess it is in some aspects. I'm obsessed with what I put in my body. I don't mean like, do I choose fat free dressing over regular dressing. I mean I'm not putting anything in my body unless I make it myself. I've been doing a lot of reading and research over the last two or three years and from what I've read, I'm just disgusted with our government. I don't really want to go into the politics side of it because you would be sitting here reading this all night. But basically, I'm just trying to not eat any processed food. It's very hard. We live in such a fast-paced, convenience driven society that I understand why people grab fast food. But if most people knew what I knew, they probably wouldn't want to eat processed food anymore.

I have Blockbuster Online and I'm currently waiting to receive Fast Food Nation, King of Corn, Food Inc., and some other crazy documentary that would bore most people but I'm nerdish-ly excited to get. I've read Skinny Bitch and Vegan Freak and The Kind Diet (by Alicia Silverstone) and countless others. It's really scary how people will eat something that was chemically engineered in lab and not think twice about it. Or...like one of my closest friends, when I tried to tell her that the Twinkie she was eating did not have one single recognizable food product in it, she got mad and told me that not everyone wants to hear that kind of stuff. Um..ok, keep eating rat poison and small doses of ingredients that they use in rocket fuel. Your body...your call (and your ignorance). (They do not put rat poison or rocket fuel in Twinkies, that I'm aware of...just using that as an example as those ingredients are in some other common American foods).

If I told you something you were eating was engineered in a lab and several of the ingredients in it were statistically shown to cause cancer, heart disease, autism in young children and several other diseases, would you get mad at me and keep eating it? Or would you be completely shocked and vow to TRY to cut it out of your diet as much as possible? Call me crazy or obsessed, but I want to know what I'm putting in my body.

Maybe that's just me though.

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